I am Snazzy, a quintessential WordPress theme for creatives, artists & those who crave a place to show off their work. I am not a complicated theme that takes forever to setup or customize. Built by @themebeans.
Most WordPress themes try to do everything for everyone. With Snazzy, that’s not so. In fact, this theme could not get more focused.
Snazzy is simple.
You can install it, spend about 5 minutes customizing it, and then get to work on your next creative piece.
The Snazzy WordPress theme is a handsome theme built for creatives and art enthusiasts who are looking for a beautifully simple platform to place their web portfolio. With its clean, purposeful design and headlining speed, Snazzy is the perfect theme for your portfolio.
Because, as a theme, Snazzy focuses on what makes your portfolio run – more specifically, run great.
Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.Antoine De Saint-Exupery
Launch sale! Price goes up to $49 soon.
You heard it right. Throw some fresh paint on your aging portfolio, or finally get your portfolio off the ground. Either way, if you’re looking for pure awesomeness, you can’t go wrong with Snazzy.
And if you need great WordPress hosting, use Pagely or FlyWheel.
About ThemeBeans.
We may be a small team – but we have your back. We’ve delivered over 30,000 themes and nearly 50,000 plugins in all since 2012! If you need any help what-so-ever, our support staff is nearly always on hand to sort things out as soon as humanly possible.
With new PhotoSwipe lightbox galleries, a more refined responsive layout, enhanced customization options and a code base that’s as solid as a rock – Snazzy 3.0 is a solid entrance into a new class of portfolio theme.
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